August 04, 2009

Lost in the sea of people...


nape aku macam ni? it seems i am lost! what is wrong with me actually. i don't have any idea.

in lab pon, i can't pay attention. my mind were wondering. nth sampai mane nth. adehhh. abes laaa aku kalo terus macam ni. ya Allah...
argghhh! nape ek? dah abes pikir dah. asek lost je. sume benda tak kena sekarang ni. masalah personaliti kot..ha3. nak study pon tak tahu nak mula dari mana sebab banyak sgt.( plant genetics, ecobot,marketing,fyp) fenin2.

i'm in trouble! OMG.....dah laa banyak hallll i need to think and plan. fyp (final year project) is the very important one. oh, tidak....
ni laaagi teruk, aku yang jadi masalah nye. i can't find a precise and exact word to describe how i am...
what i suppose to do to mend all these 'mess up'??...(almost tired of everything around me) :( matter what, i know, HE is always with me...

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